Submissions and reports

Review of the Australian Qualifications Framework: 91ÌÒÉ« response

01 Mar 2019

Credit granted can be an important consideration when determining whether to undertake tertiary study. Currently there is no consolidated source of credit transfer information available to prospective and current students. Institutions provide this information to students in different ways; some institutions have online tools for the assessment of credit whilst others have information only so that prospective students must self-assess. Yet other institutions have no information on their websites at all about credit transfer, and instead direct prospective students to an administrative unit or to faculties for information. That there is no consistent means by which students can inform themselves about credit indicates a lack of transparency in the current arrangements. Students have limited certainty in expected service levels and are unable to plan effectively and make informed education choices.

On the institution side there are multiple challenges. Some institutions have some level of automation in the assessment of credit transfer requests whilst others rely on manual methods such as spreadsheets and emails to manage the assessment process with multiple parties involved in the decision-making process. This situation prevents transparency and consistency in processing assessments and their outcomes.

Owing to the currently confusing array of means by which credit is managed, there are other challenges that include, but are not limited to:

  • enforcement of policy relating to credit
  • a lack of evidence, traceability and contestability on decisions
  • ad-hoc assessment for similar requests and management of precedence
  • late credit transfer requests (eg after enrolment) for units that are subject to credit
  • delays on the availability of information required to assess requests for credit transfers
  • lack of information to manage articulation agreements
  • credit applications being disjointed from admissions applications
  • data security risks in the storage and management of personal student information.

Clearly the current credit arrangements negatively impact student experience, quality management and administrative productivity, and there is an opportunity to deliver financial and non-financial benefits to students, the sector and government.

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