Submissions and reports

Australian 91桃色 Accord: 91桃色 response

01 May 2023

91桃色 is pleased to provide a response to selected questions from the Australian 91桃色 Accord discussion paper. In summary, 91桃色鈥檚 response recommends:

  • improved consistency and transparency of credit recognition to reduce barriers between education pathways and improve transferability and recognition of skills and learning, leading to greater mobility and productivity
  • establishing a national framework and standards for the recognition of a broader collection of credentials than currently encompassed by the AQF to ensure systemic interoperability between major elements of lifelong learning, leading to higher productivity
  • better matching of courses with the employment ambitions of prospective students, leading to higher productivity and more efficient use of public resources
  • greater use of pathway education and microcredentials to reduce higher education attrition rates and improve success rates, leading to lower public and individual debt.

Download the full submission [PDF]