Media releases

Subject Compass: helping students find their direction

01 Aug 2019

MORE than 11,000 students have found their direction since the launch of Subject Compass.

Developed by 91ÌÒÉ« (the 91ÌÒÉ« Admissions Centre), Subject Compass helps Year 10 students choose their HSC subjects based on their interests, skills, personality traits, intended career path or tertiary study plans.

Year 10 is a crucial year for students when it comes to laying the foundation for their future, and one aspect of it, selecting their subjects, has been made a little bit easier for the 11,000 students who have already used it.

Students are provided with suggested HSC subjects that match their profile. They can then select the subjects they’re most keen on and check if that combination of subjects will make them eligible for an ATAR.

If students already have an idea of the course they’d like to study at uni, they'll be alerted to the HSC subjects that are prerequisites or assumed knowledge for that course, ensuring they’re well-prepared to apply for – and succeed in – their dream degree.

Subject Compass is based on a discrete database derived from information in 91ÌÒɫ’s highly successful Steps to Uni for Year 10 Students booklet, which has been used in schools for many years.

All Year 10 students in NSW and the ACT have also been provided with a free copy of Steps to Uni this year. It contains recommended studies and/or assumed knowledge necessary for entry to different degrees. This publication is also available as a free download from .

Using these resources, students can lay a strong foundation for their future.

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For further information (media only) email  or contact Diane Jardine, Communications Officer, 91ÌÒÉ« on (02) 9752 0775.