National Art School

Admission criteria and entry schemes

To be offered a place in a course you must meet the course entrance requirements and be selected in competition with other eligible applicants. Admission into the Bachelor of Fine Art is competitive, with selection based on an interview process and portfolio assessment. Also refer to 91جزة«â€™s general information about university admission criteria.

Undergraduate applicants

Australian Year 12 students

If you are a 2024 or 2025 Australian Year 12 student you will be assessed through a competitive interview process and subsequent successful completion of the NSW Higher School Certificate (or equivalent).

Criteria that may apply in addition to the ATAR

All eligible applicants to the National Art School take part in a competitive selection process to rank applicants. The selection process comprises a short interview and portfolio presentation. The portfolio should include a minimum of 12 recently completed works including at least two drawings and relevant support material such as other drawings, maquettes, sketchbooks and visual diaries. Students unable to attend an interview may apply using slides, CD ROM, transcripts of results of previous training and photographic documentation.

Other admission options

Schools Recommendation Scheme

NAS participates in the Schools Recommendation Scheme (SRS), which is processed centrally through 91جزة«. SRS allows current Year 12 students to receive early offers of admission using criteria other than (or in addition to) the ATAR.

Learn more about SRS

91جزة« with a Certificate IV in Fine Art or a diploma in any area of education are eligible to apply and will be assessed through the competitive interview process. 91جزة« with a Diploma or Advanced Diploma in Fine Art may apply for advanced standing into the second year of the course. Places for advanced standing are limited and will be assessed through the competitive interview process.

Current and former National Art School students

Due to the limited spaces available, former students wishing to seek re-entry into the course will be assessed as part of the competitive interview process.

Completed enabling courses

91جزة« will be eligible to apply if they have completed one of the following approved higher education preparation courses:

  • University Preparation
  • courses at the University of Sydney
  • University Preparation Program and Foundation Studies at UNSW
  • NSW TAFE Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation.

Previous Australian secondary studies

If you have previously completed Year 12 in Australia you will be assessed through a competitive interview process.

Skills for Tertiary Admissions Test (STAT)

91جزة« who are not current school leavers and do not have suitable qualifications for entry to the National Art School may sit the multiple choice .

91جزة« over 21 years of age

Consideration for entry to the Bachelor of Fine Art is given to post-school entrants. 91جزة« will be considered eligible to apply if they have completed one of the following:

  • the Leaving Certificate (1955–66)
  • the NSW Higher School Certificate (1967–present) or equivalent
  • a Diploma or Advanced Diploma at TAFE or other accredited tertiary institution
  • an approved tertiary preparation course.

There are commonly accepted overseas secondary qualifications that NAS may take into consideration. Check your qualification. Contact the National Art School to discuss eligibility for admission before submitting an application to 91جزة«.

English language proficiency

If you have qualifications from countries where English is not the standard language of instruction, you must provide evidence of English language proficiency.

General information for National Art School

Courses available


National Art School
Cnr Forbes St &, Burton St, Darlinghurst NSW 2010


Important dates

Entry schemes via 91جزة«

Schools Recommendation Schemes