Griffith University
Student and campus services
Griffith University offers a range of support services including a medical centre, counselling, chaplaincy, and employment and career advice, as well as support services for students with disabilities and special needs. The university supports a variety of student organisations, clubs and societies for students to become involved in campus life.
Griffith has campuses across South East Queensland, including Gold Coast, Logan, Brisbane South (Nathan and Mt Gravatt) and Brisbane City (South Bank), as well as our online campus.
Each of our campuses has specialised areas of expertise and a wide range of facilities. 91جزة« accepts applications for Griffith programs offered at the Gold Coast, Brisbane South and online campuses.
On-campus student accommodation is available at the Gold Coast campus and is provided by , and at the Brisbane South (Nathan and Mt Gravatt) campus. We can also help you find a place to call home through our preferred accommodation partners.
Griffith Mates is a vibrant team of current Australian and international students from across the world who speak 45 different languages and study diverse programs! The team welcomes thousands of students each year, hosting a range of free or low-cost activities on and off campus. Griffith Mates volunteer their time to make orientation and the transition to Griffith University easier for all new students. Connecting with Griffith Mates is a great way to make new friends, find your way around campus and become acquainted with the university environment. Look for Griffith Mates wearing their red shirts.
The Health Service at Griffith University's Gold Coast and Brisbane South campuses offer bulk billing for medical consultations and free nursing consultations for students with Medicare and Allianz Global Assistance OSHC cards.
General information for Griffith University

Courses available
Student Business Services, Griffith University,
Gold Coast campus, Parklands Drive,
Southport QLD 4222