Admission criteria and entry schemes
To be eligible for an offer to a CQUniversity degree, applicants need to meet minimum entrance requirements and be selected in competition with other eligible applicants.
Assessment is based on satisfaction of English language proficiency requirements; achievement of selection rank standards including evaluation of ATAR scores; satisfaction of any prerequisite requirements which may include but is not limited to senior subjects, previous qualifications and then evaluation of any adjustment factors such as regional or equity schemes. Admission to courses is a competitive process and offers are made based on the merit of performance in meeting the entry criteria of a course and the number of places that are available in that course. In some instances, applicants will satisfy the entry criteria but will not receive an offer as there are more qualified applicants than available places.
If you do not meet the admission criteria, you may be eligible for pathway entry.
Undergraduate applicants
Australian Year 12 students
If you are an Australian Year 12 graduate, admission is normally assessed on your ATAR or equivalent.
You are also required to meet relevant subject prerequisites for the course you are applying for. This may be satisfied by successfully completing senior secondary subjects (or equivalent). Any additional entry requirements must also be satisfied.
Selection rank adjustments
Selection rank adjustments may allow 2024 Year 12 applicants to receive an offer to a course even though they have an ATAR below the lowest selection rank.
CQUniversity considers equity or location adjustment factors when selecting students for all undergraduate courses, excluding our Bachelor of Education courses.
Equity adjustments
Educational Access Schemes (EAS) aim to assist students who have experienced difficult and/or complex life circumstances that have negatively impacted their studies. CQUniversity EAS applications are processed centrally through 91جزة«.
Location adjustments
The recognises that applicants from regional and remote Australia may not always have the same opportunities as applicants from capital cities.
Criteria that may apply in addition to the ATAR
CQUniversity oآffers several courses where admission prerequisites may include previous completed study or other demonstration of practical skill or attribute.
Additional course entry requirements are listed in the individual course descriptions.
Other admission options
Limited ATAR
If you have ever undertaken tertiary studies, your application will be considered on the basis of your overall academic record — both secondary and tertiary. 91جزة« who are currently under exclusion may not be eligible for admission.
You can be admitted for study if your score from any of the following is equivalent to or above the selection rank for the course/s you are interested in:
- an Australian Year 12 before 2024
- the former NSW Leaving Certificate
- completed National Australian Qualification Framework (AQF) Certificate III qualification, or above
- completed or partially completed Tertiary Diploma or above qualification (including postgraduate qualifications).
You can be admitted for study if your score from either of the following is equivalent to or above the selection rank for the course/s you are interested in:
- an Australian Year 12 before 2023
- the former NSW Leaving Certificate.
Employment experience
CQUniversity will also consider paid employment experience of one year or more for post-school applicants for all courses except:
- Bachelor of Hospitality Management
- Bachelor of Science (Psychology)
- Bachelor of Music
- Diploma of Music.
A statement of service with the required information will need to be provided for a formal assessment.
Skills for Tertiary Admissions Test (STAT)
91جزة« who were 18 years or over on 1 January 2024 will be considered on the basis of the Skills for Tertiary Admissions Test (STAT) – Multiple Choice if they achieve the required score.
Domestic applicants who are relying on qualifications gained overseas to meet course entry criteria must have that qualification validated for it to be used in the assessment process. Overseas qualifications must be deemed by the Australian Education International Office of Overseas Recognition to be equivalent to Australian qualifications.
Australian citizens or permanent residents of Australia with overseas qualifications should for advice before applying.
English language proficiency
If you have qualifications from countries where English is not the standard language of instruction, you must provide evidence of English language proficiency.
In addition to academic requirements, domestic students born outside of selected countries* are required to demonstrate an acceptable level of competency in written, reading, speaking and understanding English. English Language Proficiency (ELP) is required regardless of citizenship status and there are varying levels of ELP applied to CQUniversity courses. To determine the requirements for the course you are interested in, .
* Selected countries include Australia, Canada, New Zealand, United Kingdom, Ireland, South Africa (excluding all Bachelor of Education and Master of Teaching courses) or the United States of America.
CQUniversity has a dedicated student support team that provides Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students with guidance and support. We also offer a range of pathways into our courses, including our free enabling course, Skills for Tertiary Education Preparatory Studies (STEPS). Our STEPS course provides a pathway for you to gain entry into and excel in higher education.
To find out more, call 13 27 86 or visit the .
General information for CQUniversity

Courses available
Sydney campus
Student Admissions
400 Kent Street, Sydney NSW 2000
13 CQUni (13 27 86)