Admission criteria

University applicants with an International Baccalaureate Diploma

NSW and ACT 91ÌÒÉ« applicants sitting the IB in November 2025

91ÌÒÉ« will notify you of your IBAS via email on Thu 18 December 2025.

While 91ÌÒÉ«'s participating institutions accept the IB Diploma and Bilingual Diploma as equivalent to an Australian Year 12 qualification, you are not guaranteed entry into courses. Selection is competitive and some courses may have additional selection requirements.

Your Combined Rank

If you've been awarded the IB Diploma or Bilingual Diploma, you receive an overall (or aggregate) score rather than an ATAR. To allow universities to compare your results with those of ATAR students, 91ÌÒÉ« converts your overall score into an ATAR-like value called the Combined Rank. For tertiary entrance purposes in all Australian states and territories, this rank is comparable with the ATAR.

The method for converting an IBAS to a Combined Rank is agreed to by all tertiary admissions centres across Australia and is subject to change each year. The conversion table published on this website applies to the specified period only. (Note that while your Combined Rank might change, your IBAS remains the same.)

Students sitting the IB in Australia from November 2022

Your Combined Rank will be based on your IB Admissions Score (IBAS) (which NSW and ACT students will receive from 91ÌÒÉ«). The IBAS will add decimal places to your diploma score based on your average performance within each band of your subject results. For example, you may receive a diploma score of 41, and an IBAS of 41.75.

How we calculate your IBAS

The more detailed information about your performance in each subject, and the IB grades, will be provided by the IB. This information will allow us to determine where your mark falls within the grade. For example, if the boundaries for Grade 6 in Biology SL are marks between 60 and 69, and your mark is 68, we can determine that your position in that grade is high. We will do this for every subject and calculate an average position from across your six subjects. The result will then be rounded using intervals of 0.25. This final number will be your IB Admissions Score.

If your school is outside NSW and the ACT, your IBAS will be calculated and distributed by the tertiary admissions centre in that state.

For applicants sitting the IB in Australia from November 2022.

IBAS Combined Rank
(for offers made before August 2025)
45.75 99.95
45.50 99.95
45.25 99.85
45.00 99.75
44.75 99.60
44.50 99.50
44.25 99.40
44.00 99.30
43.75 99.15
43.50 99.05
43.25 98.90
43.00 98.75
42.75 98.55
42.50 98.40
42.25 98.15
42.00 97.95
41.75 97.70
41.50 97.45
41.25 97.25
41.00 97.05
40.75 96.80
40.50 96.60
40.25 96.30
40.00 96.05
39.75 95.75
39.50 95.45
39.25 95.25
39.00 95.00
38.75 94.80
38.50 94.55
38.25 94.25
38.00 93.95
37.75 93.60
37.50 93.30
37.25 92.90
37.00 92.55
36.75 92.15
36.50 91.75
36.25 91.40
36.00 91.00
35.75 90.65
35.50 90.25
35.25 89.90
35.00 89.55
34.75 89.15
34.50 88.80
34.25 88.40
34.00 88.00
33.75 87.55
33.50 87.15
33.25 86.70
33.00 86.30
32.75 85.85
32.50 85.40
32.25 84.90
32.00 84.40
31.75 83.85
31.50 83.35
31.25 82.90
31.00 82.40
30.75 81.95
30.50 81.45
30.25 80.75
30.00 80.05
29.75 79.30
29.50 78.60
29.25 77.95
29.00 77.35
28.75 76.70
28.50 76.05
28.25 75.50
28.00 74.90
27.75 74.35
27.50 73.75
27.25 73.20
27.00 72.65
26.75 72.05
26.50 71.50
26.25 71.15
26.00 70.80
25.75 70.40
25.50 70.05
25.25 69.40
25.00 68.70
24.75 68.05
24.50 67.35
24.25 66.55
24.00 65.75

All other IB students

Your Combined Rank will be based on your whole number overall score out of 45 (as reported on your official academic transcript) if you fall into one of the following groups:

  • you sat the IB inside or outside Australia before November 2022
  • you sit the IB outside Australia after November 2022.

For all applicants except those sitting the IB in Australia from November 2022

Overall score Combined Rank
(for offers made before August 2025)
45 99.95
44 99.50
43 99.05
42 98.40
41 97.45
40 96.60
39 95.45
38 94.55
37 93.30
36 91.75
35 90.25
34 88.80
33 87.15
32 85.40
31 83.35
30 81.45
29 78.60
28 76.05
27 73.75
26 71.50
25 70.05
24 67.35

Equivalent NSW HSC courses and results

You may need to know how your IB Diploma subjects compare to NSW HSC subjects to check that you meet any course prerequisites and assumed knowledge, and also to determine if you'll be eligible for selection rank adjustments for specific courses.

IB Higher Level IB Standard Level NSW HSC Band NSW HSC Band extension 1 courseNSW HSC Band extension 2 course

6, 7




















1, 2

1, 2, 3




The following table shows for each IB Diploma course the comparable course in the NSW HSC.

The information in this table is applicable for 2023-24 admissions only.


IB course NSW HSC course
English AB (SL) *
English A: Literature - SL English Standard
English A: Language and Literature - SL English Standard
English A: Literature - HL English Advanced
English A: Language and Literature - HL English Advanced
English B (SL/HL) English as an Additional Language or Dialect
Literature and Performance - SL English Standard


IB course NSW HSC course
Maths Studies (SL) Mathematics Standard 2
Mathematics (SL) Mathematics Advanced
Mathematics (HL)1 Mathematics Extension 1
Further Mathematics (HL)1 Mathematics Extension 2
Mathematics: Applications and Interpretations (SL) Mathematics Standard 2
Mathematics: Applications and Interpretations (HL) Mathematics Advanced
Mathematics: Analysis and Approaches (SL) Mathematics Advanced
Mathematics: Analysis and Approaches (HL) Mathematics Extension 2

All others courses (excluding languages other than English)

IB course NSW HSC course
Astronomy (SL) *
Biology (SL/HL) Biology
Brazilian Social Studies Society and Culture
Business Management (SL/HL) Business Studies
Chemistry (SL/HL) Chemistry
Classical Greek and Roman Studies (SL) Classical Greek (Continuers)/Latin (Continuers)
Computer Science (SL/HL) Software Design and Development
Dance (SL/HL) Dance
Design Technology (SL/HL) Design and Technology
Economics (SL/HL) Economics
Ecosystems and Societies (SL) Earth and Environmental Science
Environmental Systems & Societies (SL) Earth and Environmental Science
Extended Essay *
Film (SL/HL) *
Geography (SL/HL) Geography
Global Politics *
History (SL/HL) Modern History
History of Africa and Middle East (HL) Modern History
History Americas (HL) Modern History
History Asia
Modern History
History Europe (HL) Modern History
Marine Science (SL) *
Music (SL/HL)1 Music Extension
Nature of Science Investigating Science
Philosophy (SL/HL) *
Physics (SL/HL) Physics
Psychology (SL/HL) *
Reflective Project *
Social and Cultural Anthropology (SL/HL) Society and Culture
Sports, Exercise and Health Science (SL/HL) Personal Development, Health and Physical Education
Theatre (Pilot) (SL/HL) Drama
Theory of Knowledge *
Turkey in the 20th Century (SL) Modern History
Visual Arts (SL/HL) Visual Arts
World Religions (SL) Studies of Religion II

Languages other than English (LOTE)

* There is no comparable NSW HSC course for this IB Diploma course. Contact the relevant institution for information about its policy regarding IB Diploma courses that have no comparable NSW HSC course.

(1) In the NSW HSC there is a small number of multi-level subject areas (English, mathematics, music and LOTE) which enable advanced students to study extension subjects. Students undertaking an extension course must also study the underpinning course. Some institutions, for some courses, award selection rank adjustments for achievement in both courses. In such cases, IB Diploma students undertaking this IB course will be considered for the same pattern of subject adjustments as NSW HSC students undertaking the comparable course listed in this table and may be eligible to receive more than one adjustment.

IB predicted grades

If you are an international applicant preparing to sit the IB in May and applying for semester 2 courses, some institutions may make offers based on your predicted grades if your final results will not be available for a particular offer round.

Each institution has its own conditions and requirements for assessments based on predicted grades: contact the institution for further details.

To have your predicted grades assessed, you will need to provide 91ÌÒÉ« with a statement from your school that meets specific requirements outlined below.

Statements of predicted grades must:

  • be issued on school letterhead – see sample predicted grade statement
  • be signed by one of the following:
    • principal
    • school director
    • acting principal
    • deputy school director
    • registrar
    • IB coordinator (or similar level)
  • and include:
    • the date of issue of letter (must be on or after 1 December for a sitting the following May)
    • the expected graduation date
    • the expected date of release of official results
    • the predicted mark for each subject undertaken
    • the expected number of bonus points for Theory of Knowledge (TOK) and Extended Essay (EE)
    • the Predicted Total Aggregate.

The following institutions will accept predicted grades if they meet the stated requirements.

Institution Period of study on which predicted grades must be based Other requirements
Australian Catholic University student performance up until December, which is 6 months prior to completion of Diploma none
Griffith University student performance up until December, which is 6 months prior to completion of Diploma

Only applies to standard entry programs.

The total predicted aggregate must be 2 points higher than the total final aggregate required for admission.

Contact Griffith University for more information.

Macquarie University student performance up until December, which is 6 months prior to completion of Diploma none
SAE Creative Media Institute student performance up until December, which is 6 months prior to completion of Diploma 91ÌÒÉ« must also provide final IB results to the SAE Admissions Office in order to receive Confirmation of Enrolment.
University of Canberra student performance up until December, which is 6 months prior to completion of Diploma none
University of Sydney student performance up until December, which is 6 months prior to completion of Diploma

The total predicted aggregate must be 2 points higher than that required for admission.

Contact the University of Sydney for more information.

University of Wollongong student performance up until December, which is 6 months prior to completion of Diploma none
UNSW Sydney student performance up until 1 January for entry in term 3 (September)

The total predicted aggregate must be 2 points higher than the total final aggregate required for admission.

Contact the UNSW Sydney for more information.

Western Sydney University student performance up until December, which is 6 months prior to completion of Diploma The total predicted aggregate must be 2 points higher than that required for admission.

Providing your IB Diploma results to 91ÌÒÉ«

2025 Year 12 students

Ask your school IB Diploma coordinator to authorise the International Baccalaureate (IB) to release your IB Diploma results directly to 91ÌÒÉ«. This needs to be done in addition to any other request for results to be sent to an institution.

If 91ÌÒÉ« receives your results directly from the IB, then any subject adjustment factors you are eligible for will be automatically allocated by the institutions.

Alternatively, upload a copy of your official Results Certificate and Diploma Certificate to your 91ÌÒÉ« application as soon as they become available. You'll also need to contact the institutions about the allocation of any subject adjustment factors for which you are eligible.

All other applicants

Authorise the release of your results to 91ÌÒÉ« via the Request for Results Service on the . This needs be done in addition to any other request for results to be sent to an institution.

Alternatively, upload a copy of your official Results Certificate and Diploma Certificate to your 91ÌÒÉ« application as soon as they become available.

How to upload documents to your 91ÌÒÉ« application